Wednesday, 30 July 2008


- rebound (verb): spring up/rise again/ recover/ arise
(noun): spring-back
Eg: The price of cosumer goods have rebounded after some newspapers broadcasted the inflation rate.

- crude (adj) : not mature/ natural/primitive
Eg: Vietnamese government decided to limite the exploring to discover crude oil.

- shrank/ shrink (verb): decrease/ contract/ lessen/narrow
Eg: Food supplies shrank by 1.5 million ton in 2008.

- dictate (verb): speak/ read out/utter/ decree
(noun): command/decree/direction
Eg: Some people dictated that the supply of crude oil will be inturrupted by Iran policy.

- sanction (verb): permit/ alow/approve/ authorize/endorse
(noun): permission/authorization/approval
Eg: The hospital sanctioned that their staff did not work with high spirit.

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