
Thursday 19 February 2009

Wednesday 24 December 2008

What is conflict?

Conflict is a process that occurs between two or more persons (groups, organizations, states) when they have different points of views, different goals, different needs and values, and they fight over limited resources to address them.

Although we have sometimes tried to avoid conflict which still happens as an essential of life. I am writing an assignment on conflict management and I am stuck on the ideas and do not know how to develop them. This makes me worried because I may miss the submission of this module.

Where does conflict arise? It seems that I can get some ideas after a small argument with my sweetheart.

Conflict may come from communication problems which include language barrier, different culture and individual’s expectations.

Today, I really miss my dear after ten days I have not met him. However, I had a wrong way to show my feeling. That is because I impose my mind on his mind. I always expect him to act the same as me. Nevertheless, in fact, whether we are a family, a group or a couple, each one has his or her own ideas and as well as a separate way to resolve an issue.

Moreover, conflict also exists inside anyone which we have encountered some difficuties dealing with ourselves before giving decision.

Needless to say, conflict is inevitable. It may not only bring some negative impacts but also positive impacts. Why do not we open our mind in front of a situation? Why did not I spend time observing others before I give my thinking? Therefore, I am now thinking about conflict as a tool to get to know more about others.

Conflict is a huge and exciting topic that I am really interested in. This is a small paragraph that I want to share my ideas. Therefore, I hope I will receive comments from you, especially conflict management. I will post my final essay in two weeks.

Friday 19 December 2008

Merry Christmas


be with you and your family today, tomorrow and always.

Sunday 30 November 2008

Economic vocabulary

1. No one can get any information from dull accountancy text book.
2. Due to the credit crunch, property market has prolonged slump.
3. There are some cunning in his report.
4. Redistributive profit-sharing of these companies need to be checked by board of managers.
5. XYZ government blame for the debacle of tax policy is the low level of people’s awareness.
6. American people did not agree when their government spent a swingeing tax to rescues banking industry.
7. If you gamble a huge amount of money on this company, you will take some risks.
8. There are so many pitfalls in this business plan.

Monday 24 November 2008

London on my mind

Today is the fifth month since I first arrived in London. It is not a short time. However, what did I do with my first three months? I did nothing, I had just stayed at home and counted the months before I could come back home.
Knowing that I just go around Holloway road, my teacher told me to think of London as my Holloway road and Morrison super market. What did happen to me during the first days? I was depressed, which I could not recognize.

I should say thanks to my teacher, who helped me get to know more about London. I have had a chance to witness the beauty of Thames River by ship. I also stopped at Greenwich Park that covered 74 hectares with several historic buildings. This was also a meaningful time when once again I found something stimulated inside of me.

Last weekend I had a great time at Victoria and Albert museum. And I thought that maybe, I will visit this museum again. The day ended with a cup of tea at my friend’s house in the atmosphere of some classical melodies.

Some weeks ago, my Japanese friend asked me what would never make me feel bored. It was impossible for me to answer her. However, it seems that now, I have known what it is (???).
I also had a great time this weekend. I walked in the park with my dear and enjoyed a cup of tea with him. Although I told him some silly things he still listened to me patiently with his gentle smile and then we laughed together. After that we went to the Farm market which is only held in Saturday morning. It looks like the market in my country and this made me miss my mom and my country so much. Nevertheless, I still felt so happy and warm.

Strangely enough, I have now realised that my love for London is growing gradually.

Sunday 23 November 2008

Motivate yourself

I have sometimes thought of my English, how can I improve my English? It seems impossible. I blame for my accent, my age and I do not have enough patient of new language. However, nothing is impossible when I watched this video clip.
Thus, if your spirit is troubled, watch it and motivate yourself.

Have a nice day my friends…

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Reflective writing

I started my MBA course since October with so many questions for myself. I was anxious about the module and the research methods because I would study in a language that is not my mother tongue. Obviously, the teaching method here will be completely different and much more difficult in comparison with that of my home country. I was also worried about the other difficulties that might occur during this course.

Understandably, the MBA course is mainly for students with senior positions or with the ambition of becoming a manager. Therefore, the programme focuses on management skills. This consists of some modules such as Managing people, managing information systems, managing finance and leadership and management. The first week was such a difficult time. It made me think that I was dropping out of the course. I was unable to understand anything from my lectures. It was this moment that I was reminded about the bad things in my life, and it might be a wrong choice when I made this decision to study in London.

Considering carefully, I realised that my listening was not good enough to follow with my modules. Thus, setting a study plan is essential. I often read books and contents of the modules that my lecturers will mention in the next lesson. This enabled me to understand clearly and also helped me improve my vocabulary. As a result, the second and third week passed with less difficulty, the tension of study, therefore, was released gradually.

However, attending an MBA course is really a challenge for anyone. My class was divided into five groups. Some business games were carried out in the Leadership and management module that required students to finish their business projects and their business strategies under pressure. In the first task we did not know how to start our business in a short time. However, we have gained a great deal of knowledge from this module. For example, we were assigned to set up a business plan and marketing strategies from the EU market to the Asian market. Most interestingly, we were in charge of not only designing our own product but also creating the symbol and brand for the company. In addition, we did some performances to advertise our product. From this, we have learned to do teamwork as well as got used to working in an organized way.

As a result, my group ranked the third out of nine. This time made me more confident about myself and I have realized not only my weaknesses but also my strengths. In fact, I have learnt some practical skills from other members such as managing time effectively, supporting/encouraging colleagues and leadership skill.

Moreover, I also encountered some difficulties in communicating with my group. This has made me wonder about my ability to adapt to a new/ multinational environment. However, the suspicion was resolved when our group had a reflection after a month working together. My contributions were recognised by other members. They also gave me some feedback about my weaknesses and helped me to correct them.

It seems that I have experienced the most difficult time in London Met University. However, I will also have to deal with other missions/tasks. This semester I will have four assignments that require me to write the course work about my own experience that I got from my work. It also asks me to reflect the theories which I get from our modules. In addition, some exams and training sessions which our group have to present this month also need to be practised more and more.

On the other hand, I am thinking about the knowledge and experience that I have been achieving from this course. How/what they can change in my future career? Of course it will. Nevertheless, I know that I should use my effort to learn from not only my lecturers but also my classmates.